Ana Karina Soto viral CCTV video twitter

Ana Karina Soto viral CCTV video twitter

 Ana Karina Soto is one of the presenters most loved by Colombians, she is currently part of the morning shows 'Mañanas Express' and 'Good day Colombia', on Canal RCN.

 Precisely in said program, the presenter revealed that she is going through a very difficult situation because some people hacked the security cameras of her apartment.

" This material first came to us through an email, on January 4, where we clearly felt violated, attacked and surprised. Then, immediately, as a family, we made the decision to speak with the police cybercrime colonel, " he said. the woman

According to Soto, the first images they received were of her in the locker room: " I can't believe this is happening and that I brazenly received an email saying: 'Subject: watching you' "..

Although she and her husband, actor Alejandro Aguilar , filed the complaint and the issue has already escalated to the Prosecutor's Office, the emails with their images continue to arrive and, in fact, are circulating on Telegram." Unscrupulous, sick people come in to take that material, those moments to make them viral, it doesn't seem right to me ," Ana Karina said.

Finally, the couple clarified that they have not been asked for money or anything in exchange in the emails, but they do receive new material constantly, accompanied by intimidating and harassing messages such as: "we are close to you." 

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